Saturday, August 14, 2010


Ight Here's one I finished awhile ago, hope you all like it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Ok this took me about five hours to complete. I am still learning photo shop. Anyone has tips on creating  a background without screwing up the pic? Hope you all like it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wanted to say...

If anybody is viewing this (hope I'm not bloging to myself). Every week I will be posting new art. So I will really look foward to some feedback. So check me every Friday. Thanks and enjoy.

Mad Akuma

This is my take on Street Fighter's Akuma or Goki (for you die hard fans :). Pleas tell me what you think. What could I have done better, or what is it missing, or keep it simple. You like it yes or no?